We got snowed in?

Gabriel and I went to the Flyers game tonight. Roads were clear. Wet, but clear. Nothing that bad that would cause people to go buy milk and white bread for. Hmmm… THE STORM OF THE CENTURY. I can imagine the reporters on the street magnifying everything.

I haven’t watched much TV in years. You and I would watch maybe an hour a night. If an hour.
Dumb fucking content. Nothing intelligent that arouses the mind.
For you? You loved The Voice. My 600lb. Life. Some bridal show. And your real estate shows. Million Dollar Listings. NY, LA, MIAMI. You wanted to be in the high-end realtor space. You were working your way up. How far could you have gone? I wonder. You were destined for greatness. Typically, it takes 10 years for someone to reach success. As we speak, I am in my 10th year of me going on my own and starting my own businesses and agencies.
We heard some great news the other day. You would have been so proud of me, baby. We’ve been exploring this option for almost a year now. And it finally came to fruition and both parties will be stronger because of it.

On our walk back to the car tonight, Gabriel and I were walking past the Linc. They had a couple fo huge banners on the side of the stadium displaying “World Champions” and “Super Bowl Champs” or something along those lines.
“I can’t believe we’re world champions.” Gabriel says to me. “I don’t think it hit me yet.”
“I know dad. It’s awesome” I paused. “Except it’s not the same. I was so fucking happy, but it’s not the same. She just couldn’t wait a week? Are you shitting me? If I had any regrets, that would be it. She fucking dies the day before the fucking Super Bowl. Do you believe this shit?” I continue.
Gabriel laughs.

We’re kind of laughing again, baby. We’re finding laughter again in our house. Not a lot of the moments, but some. And some is better than none.

Just like the Super Bowl, I don’t think it hit us yet. I’m still attached. I can’t change your Facebook profile to say that you’re …

I don’t want to detach. I miss you baby. This is so fucking hard. I am trying to stay standing, walking, raising, building, expanding, growing. Our babies are on me now. I will not fail you baby. I promise you. I got them. I don’t know who’s got me anymore. That’s what hurts.

Good night my sweet.
I love you,


One thought on “Day 32:

  1. I found this from the article regarding the sale of your home. In some ways, I feel like a voyeur, sneaking a glimpse at someone else’s life. Instead, I’m…I don’t know, overwhelmed at the beautiful, brutal honesty. Thank you…I’m not entirely sure for what, but all I know is I’ve been touched deeply by these entries. Blessings for you and your family.

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