There is a resemblance of a routine. Nothing crazy, but the going through the motions. Nothing fun. Nothing is fun anymore without you. I only write you because I need to tell you. I told you every day. I still want to tell you. I don’t want to ever stop. Until.
That’s my fear.
I stare at the blinking cursor collecting my thoughts. My brain starts to write, my fingers are just keeping up with my brain.
Today was a good day. So was yesterday. Both Gabriel and Evan came into the studio and spend both days with us. I wasn’t involved with tasking either with any work. Team took care of it for me. They had them on multiple projects. They’re keeping them busy.
This morning we gathered around our usual spot. Team sits around a conference table. It’s getting too crowded. We need a bigger table. A big fucking round table. King Arthur style fucking table.
Anyway, I invite Gabriel and Evan to come and join us to a brainstorming session. We need answers, ideas. Client is chopping at the bit for us to come up with recommendations. We had assembled some options the past couple of weeks, but we needed to huddle and decide on an a couple of our strongest options.
While what we originally had were really good, the weren’t exceptional or great. So I pushed this morning to think under fire. “Let’s do this. Ideas people. We have an hour.”
Tweak here, tweak there. Something new pops up. It evolves, it starts to take shape. There are no dumb ideas, only dumb people that cannot take an idea to the next level, and the level after that until it’s great.
Some really good options started to appear. A twenty minutes session rendered some really great ideas. What was even better than that, your fucking son comes up with the best idea. I was fucking thrilled. David uttered “Little Marie in the making.”
It was fucking awesome.
I crafted the recommendation on the spot to the client with Gabe’s idea as our first recommendation. Ha. I love it.
One more thing, I hired Trish to be my personal assistant for the time being. She started yesterday. Took Bella to South Street. Apparently ran into a friend of Trish’s who’s selling her guitar and its hard case. Also a lefty.
Trish and Bella brought the guitar back to the studio to show it to me first. To see if I would buy it. I have no fucking clue with guitars. Would love to learn to play them, but I don’t think my brain is wired that way to play it. I asked Nic to take a look at it, if it’s worth the price. Apparently it was legit. Venmo. Done.
Trish is going to teach Bella to play the guitar. She’s in her room playing right now.
Bella also bought me a new bracelet made out of a Black Obsidian stone. She picked it because of its benefits:
“Cleanses Negative Psychic Smog From Aura. Black Obsidian Stone is a powerful cleanser of psychic smog created within your aura, and is a strong psychic protection stone. This stone has powerful metaphysical properties that will help to shield you against negativity.”
They went to the Flyers game. Had fun. Roads were a little wet in the city and more snowy up around here. They made it home safe. Good day all around.
We’re having some control over our life again. Day by day we win a battle. Quick wins.
Good night my sweet.
I love you,
I read everyday! So awesome for Gabe! Your writing inspires me. I’m in awe of your unique thoughts and perspective. ❤️
Thank you love.