Day 11:

Had to rush out of bed this morning. 7am. Shit. Bella. I ran to her bedroom. She was sleeping. “Bell, wake up baby.” She peeked from behind her blanket at me. “What?” Yawning. “It’s 7. You’re late.” I explained. Not sure how she did it, but she moved faster than Flash. She got to the…

Day 12:

Bella is taking it hard baby. She’s being crowded, she’s overwhelmed by the attention. She cried to me to make it normal again. Normal, funny. My hate for Normal. But she’s right. I need to make it normal again. For her. She couldn’t do it herself. She’s only 13. How could I put that kind…

Day 13:

Bella has friends over. Boys and girls. I believe 7 in total. They're in the basement playing a game. "No funny business dumbass." I smiled at her. "Shut up dad." Rules are set. Our routine Friday dinners with the Madden's. Local establishment followed by a visit back to the Marie's for a Bourbon or Tequila…

Day 14:

I am unafraid. I am no longer afraid baby. I will let it all out. Every thought I shared with you. You endured my insanity. You adored my insanity. I never think as anyone else would. It pissed the shit out of you, but it always turned into a debate. A healthy debate, nonetheless. We'd…

Day 15:

I told her I didn't love you. I told her I didn't love anyone. I didn't have love inside of me. I told you I didn't love you. I told my mother, my sister, my brother-in-law, my best friends. I told them all. I just didn't tell our babies. I didn't want to break their…