it’s your birthday today my sweet. i miss the shit out of you. you still make me laugh woman. memories of you make me laugh. just the other day i was telling Ay about the time you got stuck in the garbage container at the woods apartments complex. on our midnight runs to throw extra trash we somehow accumulated. i mean the amount of trash this family generated was embarrassing. we’re the only family with their trash cans filled beyond the lid. Trash flying everywhere on the side of the road waiting for pickup since the lid no longer serves a purpose. meanwhile, everyone else’s trash lids were nice and closed. some were even half empty, until they were not.
i have so much to tell you when i see you, if i see you. that said, you may just send me back down where i came from.
btw, just curious, can you get killed in heaven?
btw number 2, i picked up a new hobby. believe it or not, photography. not sure when it happened, but while at the studio working, dd called me vincent heels, you know, for high heels and bananas. the name stuck with me. i don’t know, somehow it became my artist/stage name. i know you probably come up with a better name. vincent dumbass, or vincent idiot. and you know me, i’ll embrace it. i’ll strive to become the best dumbass, just to make you laugh.
i remember how great your pictures always came out while mine sucked. you were our family photographer, and i trusted you with it. you had our lives covered.
if i have any regrets in life, the one would be not capturing you with my camera. i only wonder how i would capture you.
happy birthday my sweet.
i love you,
ps: our bella is now donovan. he’s doing great. he’s still a bitch. you’d be proud of him.